Simple 5 step morning routine for a positive mindset

Danielle Rose
3 min readMar 5, 2021


Do this morning routine and see instant improvements throughout your day.

1. Start your day off with gratitude

When you first wake up think to yourself ‘what can I be grateful for in my life’ asking yourself this simple question has proven to increase ones mood, which allows you to start your day with a high vibration. It’s that easy!

2. Replace your phone with a book

Before you even look at that phone grab a book. Set an intention for how many chapters or pages you want to read that morning. Starting your day off with reading a book will allow you to feel more motivated and relieve stress throughout the day. Soaking up peoples energies though your phone is so NOT good for your mental health!

3. Meditate Meditate Meditate!

I can not say this enough! Meditating in the morning will provide you with peace and calmness throughout your day. You will have a clear focused mind and radiate great energy if you just sit with yourself for even five minutes in the morning. Balancing chakras in the morning is also so effective (personally this is what I do) There are many videos of guided chakra balancing on YouTube. Balancing your chakras provides you with more consciousness throughout the day by releasing negative energies. Does this sound great or what?


Affirmations are a wonderful tool to provide you with a great mindset. Write them down and repeat them as many times as you’d like! Saying affirmations every morning will make you ready for the day ahead. A few of my favorites include: ‘The universe is working with me’ ‘I am happy, I am living my best life’ and ‘I fill my mind with positive thoughts’ Saying these in your head or out loud will allow you to see self-improvements in yourself. You just have to believe what you’re saying of course!

5. Grab a crystal and conquer the day

As you can probably already tell, I’m very big into spirituality. I highly recommend crystals! If you don’t have a lot of knowledge about crystals, research research and more research. Look up all the different types of crystals and see which one’s you’re drawn to or figure out the parts of your life you’d like to see changes in. For example, my favorite crystal has been rose quartz lately. Rose quartz is the crystal of universal love in others and in yourself. If you want more self love grab yourself that rose quartz in the morning and carry it around with you all day!



Danielle Rose

Mental health, mindfulness , spirituality, wellness, and metaphysics... oh and coffee