Chakras.. what are they?

Danielle Rose
2 min readMar 12, 2021


Chakras influence your everyday life in many ways

Chakras are energy points in your body that influence your physical and mental health. There are 7 chakras and I’m going to explain where they are located, how to unblock them, and how they affect your mental and physical health.

Root Chakra(color red)

location: base of the spine

function: responsible for emotional and spiritual grounding/balance.

if blocked: nervousness, colon problems/cramps, fearfulness, and tiredness

unblock by : yoga, meditation, going for walks, and tapping

Sacral Chakra(color orange)

location: below navel

function: responsible for sexual needs/desires, passion, joy, and creativity

if blocked: emotional instability, feeling overwhelmed, reproductive issues, and addictive behaviors

unblock by: burning incense or essential oils, meditation, swimming , and tapping

Solar Plexus Charka (color yellow)

location: upper belly

function: responsible for ego, authenticity, and personality

if blocked: digestive issues, loss of appetite, nausea

unblock by: meditation, affirmations, yoga, and tapping

Heart Chakra(color green)

location: heart

function: responsible for love, empathy, forgiveness, and kindness/compassion

if blocked: irritability, difficulty breathing, anxiety/overthinking

unblock by: love affirmations, tapping, eat your greens, meditation

Throat Chakra (color blue)

location: throat

function: responsible for communication and self expression(inner truth)

if blocked: difficulty expressing ideas and being true to oneself, communication thyroid issues, and sore throat

unblock by: meditation, tapping, focus on breathwork, journal

Third eye Chakra (color indigo)

location: between eyebrows

function: responsible for self-reflection, highest self, spirituality, and intuition

if blocked: poor vision, narrow minded, difficulty concentrating, denial

unblock by: tapping third eye while meditating, essential oils, crystals, and yoga

Crown Chakra (color purple)

location: on top of head

function: responsible for wisdom, consciousness, and enlightenment

if blocked: sensitive to sound and light, inability to learn new information, stress, confusion

unblock by: crystals (preferably quartz), meditation, yoga poses, affirmations



Danielle Rose

Mental health, mindfulness , spirituality, wellness, and metaphysics... oh and coffee